1-on-1 Coaching

Start achieving your potential and get the results you've been missing by working directly with Kevin 1-1.

Team Consulting

Kevin works directly with your team to create an elite mindset, culture, and consistency it takes to win.


Target Mentality’s mission is to educate, empower, and energize student-athletes and teams so they improve confidence, resiliency, and optimism on and off the field.  

Is there a missing piece in your game?

Athletes spend numerous hours of time in the gym or with personal trainers increasing their strength, speed, agility, and fitness. Many athletes work countless hours on their individual skills not only at practice but on their own or with a technical trainer. Many athletes spend time studying their sport or watching their favorite teams and athletes compete. However, there is another piece that’s often missed while trying to reach optimal performance: The mental side of the game. For example, how athletes deal with setbacks, lack of motivation, and poor focus and concentration can all be trained prior to competition. Athletes don’t wait to train their technical skills after they need them. Athletes shouldn’t wait to train the mental skills after they are needed either. Athletes need to be proactive because mentality does matter! 

Most coaches look at three phases of football: Offense, Defense, and Special Teams, but leave out the fourth and most important phase...Mental Skills. All coaches know the value of strength and conditioning and speed and agility programs as well as sport specific skills training to improve performance, but neglect the mental skills aspect. If you can’t get your mind right now can you get anything else right? I have always felt our athletes need coaching/training in the mental side of the game to maximize their potential on and off the field. For years I have read about it and tried to coach our kids to be mentally stronger and deal with adversity myself, but when I met Kevin I knew we had to have him start working with our program as soon as possible. In the first five minutes of watching him work with a group of student athletes I was blown away. He was “teaching” the skills I had in the past “talked” about with our program. Kevin was teaching strategies that matched our philosophy and vision as a program.
There is no doubt in my mind our improved performance on the field is because of Kevin’s work with us. He has given us a common language within our program to remind each other of the strategies he taught us. We hold each other accountable to use those strategies and refocus ourselves and/or each other (player to player, coach to coach, coach to player, and even player to coach). He has also taught us to look at things in a really different way. Coach Kevin has been a game changer for me as a coach, so many of our kids, and our program over all. I highly recommend him to any coach looking to take their program to another level.
John Blackstock
OAA Red Coach-of-the-Year, Former Lake Orion Dragons Head Football Coach and Current Lake Orion Defensive Coach


After two one 1-1 sessions, our daughter had an amazing weekend of soccer!!!  She was asked to play with the older girls team on Saturday afternoon.   They are playing up so she was playing against even older girls.  She had confidence to go against these bigger/faster girls and honestly held her own. She never lost composure and played tough and gave it her all the entire time she was on the field. 
Sunday afternoon she played for her team.  She had another amazing game!  We saw her lose her composure once and her dad told her “go green”  and she completely turned it around.  She really gave it her all during that game and played with heart and confidence.  We had a parent comment “what a work horse ” she was.  
As we were leaving her coach told her that was the best game he has ever seen her play and thanked her for playing a great game for him and her team. She made mistakes and didn’t get a goal but she played free, confident, full of energy, and with heart and it was so fun to watch. 
I made copies of the number chart you had given us on Saturday.  She took one in the car with her and did it before we arrived to the field.  She loves doing them and said she feels like they help her focus.  Thank you for helping her get her confidence back on the field!!–Travel Soccer Parent